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International Desk

Electronic Banking

Can the company be given access and transaction passwords to use Electronic Banking from overseas?

NO. The Access and Transaction Passwords (authorising) Online Banking Cash Management and Basic Module can only be used by signatories or persons authorised by the local company (only access in the latter case) who have residence in the Republic of Argentina.

Authorising entities: Companies using the Online Banking Cash Management channel to perform monetary transactions which involve debiting accounts should bear in mind that the only persons entitled to perform these operations are the signatories of the accounts with sufficient powers under the Articles of Association. To gain access, the signatory must enter the CUIT and Password of the company, DNI, Username, and the Password provided and have his Digital Certificate.

In this case, what is the process for agreeing and receiving passwords?

Online Banking Cash Management and Basic Module:

The service can be activated in conjunction with the opening of the Company account. The Business Officer of the Branch/Office of Santander will be responsible for receiving the forms and sending them to the Commercial Banking Transaction Services unit.

When the client opens the account, it is assigned an initial password for the Company enabling general access (basic module), and this initial password must be changed at the choice of the Company itself, this task being performed in the Branch under the supervision of the Officer/Business Manager. It is convenient to assign particular passwords to signatories to the account, as this will allow them to request cheque books, transfer funds or pay wages in small amounts. To use the basic module of Electronic Banking, only the DNI and Password are required, but for more complex (high-value) use the Cash Management module with digital certificate should be chosen.

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