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In this page: The industrial profile of Spain | Identify a supplier in Spain


The industrial profile of Spain

Type of Production
Industry represents 20.2% of the Spanish GDP. In the basic manufacturing industry, Spain is well-known for its metallurgy industry (iron, steel, lead and zinc), cement industry and chemical industry. The most important processing industries are ship construction, automobile, heavy equipment, rail equipment and electrical machines. The textile industry, leather and hide products, paper production, shoes, toys and tobacco figure among finished products. In the food sector, olive oil, sugar, wine, canned food, beer and liquor industries dominate.
Professional Associations by Sector
100 professional associations listed for Spain.
Trade Shows Database
Our database contains 585 significant fairs and trade shows taking place in Spain. To go further, check out our database.
Upcoming Trade Shows
April 22nd, 2024
Hygiene, perfumes, cosmetics - Health, medicine - Medical professions - Pharmacies, analysis laboratories
April 23rd, 2024
Fisheries, aquaculture, fish farming - Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry
April 23rd, 2024
Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Plastics, rubber - Packaging, packing, conditioning - Raw materials, materials, metals - Materials - Research, innovation - Technique and technology - Earth sciences - Natural sciences - Sciences
April 23rd, 2024
Natural resource management, ecology - Pollution - Urban and industrial waste - Water treatment - Plastics, rubber - Recycling
April 23rd, 2024
Fisheries, aquaculture, fish farming - Fish and seafood
May 1st, 2024
Dance - Music, opera - Theatre - Audio-visual, Multimedia - Audio-visual, sound, video - Cinema - Multimedia - Radio, television - Electricity, electronics - Electrical equipment - Electronic equipment and components - Press, journalism - Specialised information, business alerts - Networks - Telecommunications - Digital solutions, Mobile applications - Embedded systems - Technique and technology - Engineering
May 1st, 2024
Insurance, mutual funds, pension funds - Banks - Investment funds, other financial institutions - Stock Exchange, investments - Financing, aid - Natural resource management, ecology - Pollution - Urban and industrial waste - Water treatment - Energy - Renewable energy - Electrical equipment - Recycling
May 1st, 2024
Agriculture - Marketing - Incentive - Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Commercial property, patents, trademarks - e-commerce
May 7th, 2024
Edition, graphic art, printing and reproduction - Edition, graphic art, printing and reproduction: unspecified - Graphic art, desktop publishing - Publishing - Printing, reproduction - Mail, stamps, cards - Iconography, various prints - Publication, arts: other - Electricity, electronics - Electrical equipment - Electronic equipment and components - Embedded systems - Technique and technology - Engineering
May 7th, 2024
Dance - Music, opera - Toys, games, gifts - Circles, clubs - Casinos, gaming, games of chance - Amusement parks, fairgrounds - Cafes, bars, nightclubs - Monuments, tourist attractions

Type of Manufacturers

The sub-contracting companies represent 11% of the total production of the Spanish industry. Sales represent close to 40 billion Euros and employ 250,000 workers. They are present in all the sectors but particularly in the textile, leather and shoe industry and in paper industry.
Useful Resources
Spanish sub-contracting portal

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Identify a supplier in Spain

Business Directories

Multi-sector Directories - Spain - Directory of companies in Spain
BizIn Europe Spain - Business directory for Spain
Business Directory - List of companies located in Asturias, Spain.
CEA International - Directory of exporters located in Andalucia, Spain
City By App Spain - Business directory for Spain
Colist Spain - Business directory for Spain
Directorios Cámaras - Directory of Spanish importers and exporters
Empresite - Database of Spanish industrial companies
Enroll Business Spain - Business directory for Spain
EspaInfo - Search engine for companies in Spain

To search directories by industry in Spain, check out our service Business directories.


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Other Useful Resources

Trade Agencies and Their Representations Abroad
Spanish Chambers of Commerce
Spanish Chambers of Commerce
Fairs and Trade Shows
Construtec, Construction exhibition

To go further, check out our service Trade shows.

Finding Assistance

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Latest Update: April 2024