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Controlo das importações


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O país de importação e o país de exportação têm de ser diferentes

País no qual a mercadoria será introduzida.
País de expedição da mercadoria.
País no qual a mercadoria foi totalmente fabricada ou no qual ocorreu a última etapa de produção principal.

1 Controle de importação para o seu produto na China

  • 0808.10.00.00 : Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons
    Apples, pears and quinces, fresh:
    --Apples, fresh
CONTROLOS APLICADOS 1 Controlo das Importações
License Requirements
  • Based on available information no license required
Sem controlo
Tariff Rate Quota
  • Based on available information no Tariff Rate Quota applies
Sem controlo
Absolute Quotas
  • Based on available information no Absolute Quota applies
Sem controlo
  • Based on available information no ADD/CVD applies
Sem controlo
Miscellaneous Controls
  • Inspection is required
Autoridade de controlo:
General Administration of Customs
Customs Clearance of Entry Commodities: It refers to the Customs Clearance of Entry Commodities issued by the administrations of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine for commodities listed in the List of Entry-Exit Commodities under Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine in accordance with such relevant laws and regulations as Law of the P.R.C. on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, Law of the P.R.C. on Animal and Plant Quarantine, and Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China
Fonte: 1. Law of the P.R.C. on Import and Export Commodity Inspection; 2. Law of the P.R.C. on Animal and Plant Quarantine; 3. Food Hygiene Law of the P.R.C.; 4. Customs Import and Export Tariff; 5. CIQ 3 digit code list 2018
São aplicáveis controlos
  • In accordance with Laws and Regulations on Animal and Plant Quarantine of the PRC, and the Implementation of the International Plant Protection Convention Standard for Wood Packaging Material WPM (ISPM 15 - Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade), Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine (AQSIQ) made the following requirements for WPM when entering China: 1. The WPM must undergo heat treatment, fumigation or other effective treatment recognized by China authorities before exports. The official quarantine authority of the exporting country should issue an approved IPPC logo; 2. Importers or their agents shall apply for inspection to the AQSIQ, and submit Plant Health Certificate or a Non Wood Packing Declaration. AQSIQ shall conduct sampling examination and quarantine in accordance with ISPM 15 guidelines; 3. WPM which meet the requirements shall be issued Customs Clearance Bill of Entry, which will be examined by the Customs and given customs clearance. Otherwise, WPM shall be treated with detestation by importers under the supervision of the AQSIQ, or shall be returned along with the goods. Reference: Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine (AQSIQ), General Customs Administration, Ministry of Commerce, and Ministry of Agriculture Announcement Number 2005-11; AQSIQ Announcement Numbers 2005-32 and 2006-2; AQSIQ Order Number 84

Fonte: E2Open

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